Saturday, January 4, 2014

Hello All!

Hope that everyone had a wonderful holiday season and a great New Year's day!
I have been working diligently on "Death Of A Princess" and have set a release date of -1/15/2014.  That is subject to change only if something unforeseeable occurs.  The book itself is finished, and is in the last read-through/editing stage.  A few things need to be corrected here and there, but it is going very well!

To help build interest, I am going to publish Chapter #4 here today (I've previously published Chapters 1-3 on this Blog), as well as the book cover I have finally selected to represent this novel.

Thank you, everyone, for your support!

1 comment:

  1. As you can see - with this cover, I bought a full-sized crown and used it (with fake blood) for the cover (the previous pic was a doll-sized crown, and I think it showed). I like this new one much better!
